Our team has the optimal combination of skill and experience to respond accordingly to enquiries wherever they arise across the world. We operate throughout Lloyd’s of London, London market, and International market providing solutions for complex and unusual risks. We specialise in Financial Lines, Property & Casualty for retailers, wholesalers, and insurers.
We can also assist with Financial Lines, Property, Casualty, and associated classes of insurance for all types of commercial and industrial risks. By operating this way, we produce programmes with tailored cover, at our best-negotiated terms.
- Experienced brokers delivering quality service
- Broad market access
- Dedicated and experienced claims teams
- Multi-disciplinary knowledge base
- Appetite for complex risk placements
We can assist with all types of traditional lines of businesses, including but not limited to:
- Architects
- Engineers
- Accountants
- Surveyors & Valuers
- Charity and Pension Trustees
- Design and Constructions
- Contractors
- Estate Agents
- IT and Media Professionals
- General Professions
We target International retail brokers that are looking to place risks internationally and can assist with all types of heavy industry, engineering, and technically complex trades, including but not limited to:
- Food/EPS risks of all types
- Woodworking/Sawmills
- Hotels & Resorts including Beachfront and Cat Exposed
- Auto Dealers, including Hail
- Heavy process risk including Metals, Chemicals, and Power utilities
- Single peril risks inc; Cat only, Deductible buy-Downs, Primary and XOL Placements
- Manufacturing/Processing and High Hazzard fire risks including warehousing
- Mining and Energy
- Real Estate
- Leisure and Hospitality
We target International brokers that are looking to place difficult or hard-to-place risks internationally across trades such as:
- Construction
- Mining & Energy
- Leisure & Hospitality
- Property Owners Liability
- Life Sciences
- Manufacturing & Engineering
- Power & Utilities
- Professional Sports
- Rail
- Product Recall
- Molestation /Abuse Cover
- Professional Indemnity (excess layers also available)
- Directors and Officers (including management liability portfolio)
- Medical Malpractice
- Cyber Liability
- Technology Risks
- Crime / Fidelity guarantee
- Legal Indemnities
- Project Specific Insurance
- Property damage
- Business interruption
- Machinery breakdown
- Auto/motor own damage
- Public liability
- Products liability
- Pollution/environmental impairment liability
- Employers liability
- Construction liability
- Umbrella and excess liability
- Product recall
We cover all lines including primary, excess of loss, and umbrella liability across territories including:
- Europe
- Australia
- Canada
- The Caribbean
- Africa
- South America
Please note that all European client business can be placed by Optis Insurances Limited, based in Ireland and part of PIB Group.

We pride ourselves on working closely with our partners to provide bespoke solutions for difficult-to-place and unusual risks.
To discuss how we can assist you with your business please contact us at 020 7488 7950 or via email at [email protected]